About Us


About Jesse Wilhelm

I am a native of Wisconsin. I was born and raised in Green Bay better known as “Titletown” for those of you who are avid football fans. “Go Pack Go!” I have been an aspiring artist since I was able to grasp crayons. Throughout my childhood I was recognized as a very talented artist. During high school, my artwork generated extensive recognition and awards while being displayed at numerous art shows.

After achieving a reputation as a talented artist, I pursued my goals of achieving an art degree. I attended the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design for one year prior to transferring to Memphis College of Art, where I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Illustration.

meet jesse with family
meet jesse in workshop

In 2000, I moved to St. Petersburg and continued my success as an artist by starting my own mural and faux finishing company, Jesse Wilhelm’s Artistic Visions, Inc. This allows me to display my talent in the homes and businesses of the Tampa Bay area on a daily basis.

When I am not busy faux finishing or painting murals, I enjoy wood carving and painting wildlife. I also have an apparel company called Hook Tribe. Learn more about that at HookTribe.com. My love for the outdoors and nature has prompted my interest in traveling. Traveling allows me to appreciate the environment while at the same time acquiring new ideas for my artwork.

I love to travel and am more than willing to travel to any destination. I take extreme pride in work and strive for the highest quality of artwork I can achieve. Please continue to peruse my galleries and contact me with any questions you have concerning my work.

I look forward to working with you. Thank you,

– Jesse Wilhelm

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